Another Day

By BlackTulip

A Tulip tree leaf

Stitches out this morning.  A close friend had a minor op yesterday, with stitches, so rang to find out whether it hurt, which it didn't, so was able to reassure her.

One of the grandsons of our friends up the road (aged 10) has had a burst appentix and infection, which entailed an emergency operation on Sunday evening, so they've been busy looking after his sister, whilst the parents have been at the hospital.

This afternoon I've had to go round to the neighbour two doors down to sign a document pertaining to a remortgate on one of her properties.

I now have to put together a few words for some "before and after" images that I've put forward to camera club for tonight's meeting.  I wish I hadn't because I get horribly tongue-tied.

I've now run out of excuses for posting this pathetic image of the leaf of one of the Tulip trees on the front mound.

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