
Today was the last day of the course Bec has been doing for two years so our Tuesday afternoon child care will ease off a bit.
Jane was in good spirits when I picked her up from school.

I couldn't resist the extra in the park opposite. It needs a bride.

Our new mastercards have arrived and it's a nightmare re-setting all the online auto debits. 
Whatever I do Adobe refuses to accept either my new mastercard or old debit card at present.
Despite thinking I had outsmarted my phone company by realising it would fall due before the new cards arrived, I pre-emptively changed it to the debit card. However it still got cut off! I made two mistakes:
1. I didn't reset auto debit and 
2. I didn't enable online payments.
That happened en route to Sydney the other day and fortunately I was able to get up and running with the assistance of Mr isbi's phone and Internet access. It still took most of the one hour trip.

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