
By MerrilHope

... because I can ....

With bright sun warm sunshine and temperatures around 27ºC, today was a holiday mood day with no agenda of 'must do' things.  So, a leisurely stroll and standing yoga in the lane with Rufus this morning then a swim in our pool - Kat joined me (extra) and Graham took the photos.  A lovely day rounded off with the three of us, plus the woofer, going in to Didim for dinner at Caspers restaurant. While ordering,  I had a chat with the owner about vegetarian meals and the lack of variety there of, locally, the result being that after discussing some options, he strode off to the kitchen and as a result, the cook made me a one off, special vegetarian cottage pie, with creamy mash topped with cheese - how's that for the jewel in my crown of a day? 

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