Growing old disgracefully



... or Mellor's Cottage as we renamed it.

We have had a grand week. I realise I have not been very communicative on blip this week - I only just got my entries posted. I am reasonably relaxed most of the time, but I was in a seriously cool zone this week.. In the past my Calvinistic soul would have told me I was being lazy, but I don't listen to that twaddle any more. Anyway, some account of the week may be welcome. Most days it went like this:

I would wake at 5 and stroll through the fields and beech forest , hanging out with the sheep and watching over the nesting lapwings. I would return in time to nip into town for the newspapers before my companions awoke. We would then have breakfast together while planning the day, which usually included a stroll on the beach or in some garden, returning to make a simple supper to eat in state at our Mousey Thompson table. Then getting the wood burning stove going for a lazy evening reading, doing the crossword, playing hoopla and laughing our heads off. There is something very freeing about company where you can be comfortable with serious or silly talk and equally comfortable with long silences. Today we waved good bye to our friends from Kent and drove home to find the garden in great shape after all that sun and rain.

BTW, the image does not need straightened, the cottage is built into the side of a hill and just looks as though it's on the coup.

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