Planko's Pics

By planko

RIP Nourie


Received some shocking and sad news this evening that my friend in Beirut (born and raised in Perthshire) died unexpectedly. We think it was Wednesday night but everyone only found out on Thursday.

Nourie (on the right) was friends with both myself and my wife at uni before the two of us got together. We became friends with the rest of his family who are still here and kept in touch over the years, visiting his family for great Lebanese feasts, and became close friends with his sister to the point her kids call us uncle and auntie. His dad H (on the left) flew back to Beirut on Friday.

Went down to see his sister on Friday night then his mum and other sister on Saturday, funeral was today (Sunday). His other sister and brother in law both went back with his dad and we saw some photos they shared with the family and us of the ceremony and graveyard this morning but still doesn’t feel real. Feels like he’ll post another dodgy meme or joke on Facebook any minute now.

Only 3 days older than me….

RIP my friend.


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