
By Tryfan46

St Mildred’s Church, Tenterden

Down in Tenterden for several railway AGMs, the main AGM and that of the Norwegian locomotive owners group. Also today was the AGMs of 6619, The Tenterden Railway Company and the Locomotive Trust. I could have been there from mid day until 9pm!

There was supposed to be a bonfire afterwards with fireworks and refreshments. It was postponed until next week owing to the forecast heavy downpours (which there were plenty of during the afternoon) Good move except we will miss the rearranged date as we will be in more sunnier (hopefully) climes.

This was the one photo today, spotted as I walked to the church where the AGM was being held. St Mildred’s is an impressively large church dominating the town and hinterland with splendid views from the tower. Built on the proceeds of the incredibly profitable wool trade over several centuries.

Another Saturday night rolls around. About to start the aperitifs and pre dinner drinks. All dressed up again. Have a good Saturday and remainder of the weekend.

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