
By PorridgeWog

Perfect day (Day 3099)

I got a bit too warm taking Sigyn for her morning wander. A good sign for the day.
After my beautiful wife zoomed off to catch the boat south, I emptied the van and headed to town to collect a load of pellets for the boiler, and a few bits for work next week. Back home to unload and do a few bits at home before a wander with Sigyn. No wind meant no need for a jacket and it was really good to be out in sunshine.
Home for lunch then across to Stromness to get the horses checked. It was such a great day I decided to get out on George. We had a fab ride out, and even managed a bit of a paddle in the sea to finish off the ride. The sun was setting as I finished up putting out hay, and I took a couple of pics of the horses and the view. If you look carefully in one of the extra shots, you can just make out Scotland on the horizon.
Shame HV has been away and missed it, but there is always tomorrow.

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