
By fitzbilly

Mouse #37

Well, well, it's been 260 days since we last caught a garage mouse. This one was particularly silly as he didn't want to go when I tried to release him at the end of the garden. I don't think he fancied the look of the rain, and moreover there was food where he was. So he stayed put, munching away on a mini hedgehog style chicken nugget. I had to tip him out of the trap in the end. Maybe the colder weather is going to mean we start catching a few more.

In other news I think we are suffering a bit from post wedding blues, finding it very hard to motivate ourselves to go out anywhere at the moment. At least I got up to date with all my photo editing.

One year ago:
I may go again this coming week.  Some of the 'ladies' from camera club were proposing a visit on Tuesday. The men are invited too, though I don't want to be the only one going!

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