
By KirstyHalbert


Got up early after far too little sleep for another Body Attack class this morning. Thank goodness M gave me a lift to the gym, otherwise I might have made my excuses and stayed in bed. I have sore muscles in the soles of my feet now, what a bizarre feeling. I had to walk round the office in just my tights all day, which had a hole that my big toes kept trying to escape from. Attractive.

Work was fine; got a good start on a report whose deadline is still ages away - always a good feeling. Popped out at lunchtime to pick up my film photos so there are loads of backblips... Including my 500th Blip.

My office are organising a 'gin and juggling' event on Friday as a belated World Environment Day celebration. There'll be a selection of gins to taste (and wine and beer for those weird non-gin-drinkers) and some guys are coming in to do a juggling display which may or may not involve fire (depending on whether we are discussing it with a HSSE advisor or not...). I do work for a pretty cool organisation!

Home via the caterpillars which have really grown (sorry Mum, I know you hate Blips of these wee guys...)! In the background you can see one of their famous webs which have taken over a cemetery in Southend.

Got home and sprawled out on the sofa with M to watch The Apprentice and practice our Norwegian for tomorrow's class. Happy face.

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