Magical egret
I was sure I'd be posting a fireworks shot tonight from Winchester's huge display - I always do. But somehow now it's come to it I just can't face going out in the cold and the mud and the rain.
Besides, I have an alternative for today I'm much more keen on. I've always thought of egrets as magical birds. The first time I saw one was on the Torridge by Golden Pool. It was long after we no longer lived in Devon but I think had just gone back for a holiday with the kids. And there was this unknown white bird I'd never seen before. It looked so alien and so handsome, but I couldn't think what it was! Well I know now, there are plenty in Hampshire, but I'm still attracted to them every time.
Today has been blowy, a mix of sun and wet and the temperatures are dropping - real November weather. This afternoon J and I went over to Shawford to see Big Sis and Jax, which was lovely. The only other thing of any note done today was a gentle suggestion to the guys selling fireworks tickets (they do it for charity) that next year they might consider silent fireworks. One of the guys looked rather put out at the suggestion but the other said - 'Yes, I know, it's a thing now, isn't it, a thing!' Well it might happen sometime. When you think of all the pets needing sedatives for the evening, the very young kids frightened by the noise, the old and the ill being so disturbed and the traumatised wildlife in the reserve next door to the park - when you think of all that maybe it would be a really good idea.
So that's it from me. Thanks for all the love you gave yesterday's bluetit. And - fireworks or no - have a good evening xx
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