
By Hamp5on

Dalt Vila from Sa Penya

An early start to get some shopping pre a first thing meet up with Anne and Natasha. They're both such wonderful women - real champions of other women. One of our homeless friends came by for breakfast, he's very much gone downhill since Natasha was a social worker and knew him. Addiction is an awful thing.
Later I saw Claire as there's an Erwin Broner exhibition on at the School of Architecture. We went to Sa Penya to look round the house he built there which now belongs to the city. The woman showing us round was an absolute super fan and gave us loads of interesting info. Funny to be there and bump into Roma friends on our way up and down from the property - world's colliding. Some extra pics taken as we headed there.
A nice evening with the kids whilst Danny went off to see Stephen. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Natasha's input in a complex situation for a friend on the street.
2) Time with Claire!
3) Good chat with Mitch as he pottered round the kitchen this evening. 

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