Bye bye baby
Mr B broke the news today that he's borrowing my camera for a week. As if it's not bad enough that he'll be sunning it up in France while I'm here in November.*
So, this is a very self-indulgent blip to remind me of what I'm missing in the next agonising 7 days. (Actually it's a really rubbish shot - you'd probably spotted that already. A comb, mascara, proper focus and better light might have helped.)
I did try and engineer a swap where I got his cool iPhone for the week... but sanity and necessity prevailed so I get left with my mobile phone or my daughter's camera (which is actually a great camera, but lost somewhere in the house just now).
The benefit of losing my camera is that in looking for a small camera bag for him to carry my baby, err, camera in, I came across my old slr (film) which has the coolest range of lenses. It's a one I bought way back (1992??) second hand and has a 50mm prime, 95mm macro and a 70-280 zoom macro. The last two look in pretty good nick - not scratched or anything - so I might try and see if I can get some kind of adaptor to put them on my camera (when I see it again, sob). Anyone know if that's easy?
The film camera and the 50mm prime, however, ended their useful life at a party in Putney in about 1994 when someone who shall remain nameless (it was Rob, it was Rob) thought it could do with a champagne bath! Everything got a bit sticky after that and I remember the man from Jessops sadly shaking his head and saying (not at all ironically) "I've not seen a camera recover from a champagne bath before".
*I had one of my mercifully rare and brief migraines last night and this morning so earned a lie in (by just not getting up). When I did eventually crawl out of bed and open the curtains I thought, just for a horrifying moment, that I'd slept right through the year and it was November already.
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