The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Last day in Wales

We had an extra hour of sleep, because of the clock change, so I made it to morning yoga. Various sessions followed (reiki, I think) and then there was a break for tea/coffee, and everyone else went to pack but I had a card reading session with one of the leaders. The cards give spiritual guidance. That's the idea, but to be honest it was a bit rushed, and I thought I'd buy the cards to review later , until I reloaded they cost 55 pounds for that deck! If I'm meant to get them, the money will flow my way. If not....

Then we had brunch. It was delicious. The cook can do 'froached eggs'. I'm rubbish at poached eggs, so I may try this at home. 

Then we had another session, or two? and a final closing of the retreat, before we went our separate ways. One of the guys gave three of us a lift to Swansea station, driving through torrential rain and whiteouts. We stayed together till Swindon, where I changed for Stroud, and CleanSteve met me at the station. 

It's been a very full-on, beneficial weekend, and I can't even begin to explain all the things we did, but I feel restored and renewed. 

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