New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Autumn Maples

There's been a lot happening today. I started the day with a trip to Uddingston to visit the Tunnocks factory as they very kindly donated a box of 48 caramel wafers to our workplace charity raffle.  The Tunnocks factory is amazing, their reception entrance is guarded by a giant tea-cake on a stick, you walk under a drawing of a caramel wafer, then the reception area itself is like your gran's living room.  Red carpet, wood panelling and all sorts of ceramic tunnocks-themed items and trinkets all over the walls.  I thoroughly enjoyed by two minutes in there!

Whilst waiting for my collection time I noticed these rather fab maples in their autumn colours so that was a quick blip on my phone.

Work was a day of meetings where I didn't get chance to look at my emails but had some good discussions.  Then in the evening I accompanied P into town and took myself to the skate park whilst he was busy.  The Loading Bay was a lot busier than the first time I went and I felt a bit intimiated by all the teenagers who were much much better on their skateboards than I am on my BMX.  After watching and figuring out how everything worked I braved the flat and tried (and failed) to perform a manual.  When I'd had enough of that I went onto the rampy bit and had a good cycle round.  Then got really dismayed when some older blokes on BMXs turned up and made doing a manual look so easy!! Ah well, I'll get there in the end...

Favourite bit of the skate park was the skate lesson that was full of mainly very small girls.  They looked to be having a great time and everyone gave them load of space on the ramps.

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