It's a stormy Abstract Thursday!

Today there is no special theme for AT set by our regular host Ingeborg, as it is the first Thursday in yet another month.  I think though, that Storm Ciaran has concentrated the minds of us here in the UK and Europe and that was my thought when I did this abstract.  The small birds, blue tits, great tits and long tailed tits dashed to and fro across the garden at high speed, during a lull in the rain, quickly feeding at the the two acorn shaped feeders that are now almost engulfed by the fuchsia. They were no doubt feeding while they could before seeking shelter.  I did get some shots of the birds feeding but this is the very large  fuchsia given some colour change and distortion treatment in PS Elements.  In Extras an alternative view.

We were lucky here in West Essex in that we certainly escaped the worst of the storm.  Others were far from lucky as you can read here..

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