Building a bridge

Tonight I went to the local pub and played darts briefly. I lost in a relatively abysmal way...I am usually ok at pool, snooker and darts...ok darts is my weakest of the 3 but still.....

Walked back along the canal in the pitch dark ...something I have not done before despite having lived here 7 years. I was accompanied by Mr H and his best friend Mr H . I was going to blip darts or dart shots but this was too beautiful to ignore.

I feel like the circles under my eyes are getting much bigger. 2 weeks and I will be free of study!

"I say the universe speaks to us, always, first in whispers. And a whisper in your life usually feels like 'hmm, that's odd.' Or, 'hmm, that doesn't make any sense.' Or, 'hmm, is that right?' It's that subtle. And if you don't pay attention to the whisper, it gets louder and louder and louder. I say it's like getting thumped upside the head. If you don't pay attention to that, it's like getting a brick upside your head. You don't pay attention to that-the brick wall falls down. That is the pattern that I see in my life and so many other people's lives. And so, I ask people, 'What are the whispers? What's whispering to you now?'" - Oprah

Hmmm....I need to think about that.....nut I am sort of getting it...bricks and bridges eh???

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