
By pensionspoet

Autumn signs

It has rained all day here in North Norfolk, with plenty of surface water sitting in our garden, and also on the allotment. The roads have long stretches where water goes from one side to the other, but I managed to get through it without getting wet feet! I did come up against one patch in Northrepps, which I decided looked too deep for a mini, so stopped and did 3 point turn on the small country lane, and found another way. Thankfully though, no storm, just wet and a little windy.

So from shopping I went straight to singing. That was nice as always. Time to smile and laugh. Even when we are serious, we aren't too serious.

Home at just after midday. I sorted out the shopping and had lunch. I didn't do any housework!! I think I just forgot to :-)

At just after 2pm I received a delivery- a fibit! I have wanted one for a long time, and bought it with my Tesco club card vouchers. I set it up to charge, then got my walking boots and heavy coat on, and went to the allotment with the compost bucket. On the way, I collected a few nice acorn cups. Fed Bessie and was disappointed to find 'something' has chomped through my curly kale. It's odd because it hasn't actually eaten it. I collected what I could and picked the remaining leaves. I had hoped they would grow through the winter, but after losing all my corn in a similar way I decided not to take any chances.

Home and spent a few hours on the photo book I'm making to show Andy's exploits in the Lake District and on the NC500 for his mum. I'm enjoying being creative. What I haven't done is any writing!! It will be a slow burn novel...

Now All Creatures Great and Small!

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