Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli


Found out yesterday evening that our school was going to be closed today due to the weather forecast, so we’d have to teach our lessons remotely from home.

Having physically gone into school throughout the pandemic, I’d never actually had to do lessons online before. That, coupled with the fact that most of the students probably wouldn’t take part so it was pointless delivering any new topics, meant that I ended up working until gone 11pm creating new, more suitable revision-style lessons and learning how to set everything up on Teams.

In the end, all was fine today. All the teachers were exhausted by how enthusiastic the Year 7s were, the Year 9 classes were like watching tumbleweeds rolling across the desert, and all the other year groups were somewhere in between. I’ve no idea if it would have been OK to keep the school open as normal, as the weather was pretty calm here, but it was what it was and we all survived.

Obviously made of sterner stuff than us teachers, not only did the bin men manage to collect our rubbish bang on time but a nice man delivered my new laptop bag.

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