
By PaulaJ


A bit of a wild night and a miserable day with hardly any light. We have had some wind and some rain, but we seem to have escaped the real stormy weather that has affected many parts of the country. 

We were concerned about our two daughters who are in two of the storm areas. However, they are fine. Apparently the waves in Cornwall have been impressive, so much so that there have been people surfing and that never happens in their relatively sheltered bit of the coast. 

The day brightened a little at 2pm when the 'new' and 'final' Beatles track was released and played over the airwaves. Having been there at the beginning when, as a teenager I bought their first album, it felt quite emotional to hear John's voice again and the familiar Beatles sound. It took me back to last year when we sat through, totally enthralled, the hours and hours of Beatle footage. 

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