The first...
It was the opening night of the first Dunoon Film Festival.
I have had discussions with various people who are involved in the renovation of the Burgh Hall about a film festival on a number of occasions over the past two years so it was good to see it all come together at last. The place is also gradually being restored - I have blipped events in it a couple of times before : here & here.
The screening of all the episodes of " Your Cheetin' Heart" over three days is a great idea particularly as it has hardly been seen since it was made by the BBC 23 years ago. Before the show the writer John Byrne said a word or two and was going to answer questions after Episodes 1&2 had been shown but I couldn't stay for that. I am sure he would have been fascinating.
He was joined by the wonderful Eddi Reader , who sang so amazingly in it, my old friend Peter Broughan who produced it and the cinematographer for the series Gary Morrison. It was great to see him too because he was the cameraman on the only Super 16 documentary I ever made for the BBC , Ports of Call, which we filmed in Oban during the 1992 Mod.
I am back at the festival tomorrow.
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