Bits and Bobs
A day of lots of different smaller jobs, and a bit of my jigsaw whilst listening to the very interesting Covid enquiry. This morning I forked over my lawn to improve drainage, it was already quite windy. I was going to do my annual soakaway drains check and clearance, but it kept raining - another 5.6mm as at 5pm. I checked my garden was prepared (hopefully) for Storm Ciaran - the worst of the wind and rain is forecast to just miss us, but the forecasts have a habit of changing at the last minute at the moment. I collected up and cleaned all the hanging bird feeders and cleaned them, not my favourite job. I drove to the local timber merchants for a couple of bits of wood which they’ll deliver tomorrow (free of charge) - excellent service and advice there, and reasonable prices.
My record of rainfall for October from my weather station was an incredible 192mm, so over 3.5 times the average for the month of 54mm (and due to power cuts I lost a bit of data). To give extra context, our average annual rainfall is 570mm, so Oct was a third of our annual rainfall. I feel so sorry for those flooded and for the farmers. This is the fourth successive more with much higher rain than average. I don’t know if it’s the rain, but my weather station isn’t giving me the outside temperature and humidity, so I guess I’ll be getting another new one.
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