My Asda online delivery came this afternoon. I got 5 Pinks apples and 4 of them were not satisfactory. Bruised and damaged. So I phoned up to complain and the price I paid will be refunded. This is one minus point for online grocery shopping - you don't have the chance to pick out the best fruit.

Weather has been very changeable today - one minute bright sunshine and the next lashing down with rain. I did manage to do one of my gardening jobs - I moved a honeysuckle plant which was in a pot by the back door. I have planted it inside the cat enclosure - hopefully it will grow and climb up the netting.

Just realised that this is my 730th blip... wow 2 years of blipping. How did that happen. It really doesn't seem that long. Would never go a day now without posting a photo to remember each day. Thank you to all my blip friends who drop by regularly - I love reading your comments and of course looking at your photos.

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