Imagine the view....

By btc

London Life: sunrise over the city 2...

....those of you who follow my journal regularly will have seen about 5 days ago my aborted trip to this very same spot, lots of things were similar, I was there, my camera was there and it was about 4.30am.

Some things were new, the sigma lens that arrived the other day along with a b+w 10 stop filter for my 50mm.

I thing was significantly different....this time the sun decided to make an appearance so the blues and greys that I was treated to were this morning replaced by a kaleidoscope of colour, this is the London I wanted to show you with all it's buildings and design.

Thankfully after posting my blip yesterday I decided to get back out for the evening and see if a nice sunset might appear along with my mojo and it certainly did although too late to show you the results (until they appear on my website).

Off out now, it is Friday night after all so I might treat my rediscovered mojo to a number of mojitos.

Enjoy your night whatever you are up to.

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