
By Hamp5on

Sunset Lover

Blip title nicked from this track by Petit Biscuit.
I was up and out early to see Jud in San An who's over visiting for a few days, but most of her stay happened whilst I was away. Absolutely brilliant to have time with her, I miss my wing woman! Back to town to meet up with Danny and my in-laws, and for Brenda and I to have a stroll round the shops. 
This afternoon Danny took Nate to a school party and Neil, Brenda, Asha and I walked to the sea to a lovely restaurant on the front. A lovely place to wait for the others to join us...and then a delicious dinner together!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Neil and Brenda being here...all the way from the States.
2) Bumping into several Roma friends today.
3) Time with Jud.

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