Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Rainy Days and Mondays!

They don't usually get me down, and that's true of today too! :-)

After a lovely evening in the Travelodge it was time to head out and make tracks cycling back home. Immediately upon setting out the heavens opened and so it continued for many, many miles. It sure turned you into a very soggy, wet and cold individual!!!

However, a stop off for dinner and a warming brew was something of a tonic, ready to face the next rainy downpour from Accrington towards Burnley! The drizzly, misty weather continued towards Todmorden and then came back with a bit of extra gusto upon leaving Halifax.

However, despite the weather, it was a really great cycle ride and a super two wheeled adventure. A hot bubbly bath has been enjoyed and I have managed to pull myself out of it...just!! :-P

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