
By DawnAgain

Down but not out

I was sitting at my desk this morning when there was a loud thud on the window and I realised a bird must have flown into it. So I looked outside and saw this adorable little goldcrest lying on the garden storage box. Not wanting to add to its anxiety I stayed indoors, regularly looking out. It gradually sat up, although with its head over on one side, then after a while lifted its head upright and began cheeping. It looked gradually brighter and brighter but was showing no sign of going anywhere. I thought it probably needed a bit more time to stop feeling dizzy and  I had to go out (art class - trees this term). So I left Mr DA and Son1 in charge of its welfare. When I got back at lunchtime, I was pleased to hear from said caretakers that the little cutie had recovered and flown away. I hope it doesn't have too bad a headache after its ordeal.

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