
By Incredibish

To the very last drop...

This weather can't last... the bees know it too. This bumble is drinking down every last drop of nectar prior, no doubt, to finding a very comfortable hole to hibernate in through the winter. We've deliberately left lots of opportunities to find... leaf piles and upturned pots for the hedgehogs, grass cutting mounds and bamboo tunnels for the bees... when the chill begins in earnest it's going to catch us all out and especially those who live outdoors. But yes, sorry not sorry, another bee onna flower... ;-)

I'm still grumbling and struggling though the aftershocks of this head cold, which is now lurking deep in my chest, desperate for the chance to expectorate and thus migrate... not letting it out. When it's really trying hard I'm masking up, especially when I take Miss her morning cuppa and I'm hacking harder than a News of the World journalist...

Spent a happy afternoon sitting in front of various tolerably expensive pieces of hifi... we are beyond frustrated with our current musical potage, which relies overmuch on Alexa, who herself seems to be struggling with the concept of doing what she is asked... I wonder if they're about to bring out an upgraded one full of advanced AI... Anyhow, decisions were firmed up. There's every possibility we may soon need to wash our ears out...

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