Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Behind The Screams

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

After the shenanigans of yesterday I was looking forward to a nice quiet day. 

I was not about to get it.

Do you know when you commit yourself to something and then live to regret it afterward?

Well, as I peeled myself off the couch at 3pm today, I realised I'd done it again. 

I'd arranged to go on a "Behind The Screams" tour of the Weta Caves. I'd been there 6 years ago and was a bit "meh" about it. But the idea of a SPECIAL HORROR TOUR at night was quite exciting.

Last month. 

Today. Not so much. I don't know why I was so tired. I didn't feel particularly hungover. But then Jefe and Manda got up and I made them breakfast and we hung out for a while. Then after they left I had a nap. But one of those naps that really wants to be a sleep. You know?

You know.

I dragged myself to Plimmerton so J&M could drive us there. And to my disappointment I found it was PRETTY EFFING MUCH the same tour as 6 years ago. But in the dark. You couldn't SEE the amazing things the bloke was talking about. 

And I was sooooooo tired. 

We did get to make fake blood though. That was fun. And the tour guides tried to get into the spooky spirit. But... ahhh... you know....

There was one high point though. The high point of the ENTIRE tour. This was when one of the actors LEAPT out at Jefe who SCREAMED. 

"Oh my god I'm so embarrassed," he said. "I screamed like a GIRL."

I reassured him that no-one had laughed at him. Undermined somewhat by the fact that Manda was PISHING herself. 

"I was SO LOUD," he repeated. 

Afterward I went for drinks and chips with J&M who are always excellent company. And I got the 10.43 train home and...


It was so weird! We got off the same train! So I got a lift home and collapsed into bed. I don't know why I get this tired. I have a horrid feeling it is to do with old-f*ckery. 


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