Spitzi's diets

as you have possibly noticed, my blips have been getting worse and worse as I have totally run out of ideas. So, in an occasional series, perhaps of one, we're going to have "spitzi blips her tea".

However, there is a reason behind it. And not just laziness. Last year, when my eating habits went crazy, I started to keep a food diary over on myfitnesspal - which is a great way to keep track of what you are eating and when you are eating it - brilliant if you want to count calories or reduce salt or just have a crap memory. However, as with blip, I CBA to keep the diary anymore so I thought I'd just take photos instead, thus killing two birds with one stone and getting the satisfaction of knowing that I am boring you too.

Tonight we had pancakes to celebrate the chickens finally agreeing that this could be summer (they weren't sure, so stopped laying) - salad from the garden and everything that one can think of putting on a pancake as well as some things one probably shouldn't but it was an experiment (I don't recommend peanut butter).

Those of you who remember Jessie's diets will know what I'm basing this on. I always felt he was my kind of person.

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