campervan man

By campervan

Clocks went back last night

I knew this, well my brain did, but my body didn't so I woke up at the same time as usual, but an hour earlier if you see what I mean. Making the most of this I reasoned an hour just dozing in bed, maybe a bit of reading, nice start to the day. Unfortunately we had not explained the situation to Dudley who was still hyper enthusiastic even though it was not quite 7 o'clock (new time), Lie in curtailed, the day started about an hour earlier than usual. 
The blip shows some of the garden furniture moved into the garage to be cleaned and dried before putting them in the attic for the winter
Hopefully you would have noticed how clean and tidy the garage looks. A lot of trips to the dump and putting stuff away, combined with sweeping cleaning and especially removing very large and old spiders webs has made a big difference. Well I was inspired by Tryfan46 who managed to clean up his shed in possibly record time.
More furniture moving tomorrow and once that's done the pots will need to go into the greenhouse. So much for a quiet life in retirement

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