For the family

By RonaMac


This tapestry was a present on Valentines Day ‘22 from B, as a change from chocolates. Something that would be easy to pick up and go for the shorter sewing group sessions. It has fitted the bill perfectly. 

I finished constructing the cushion last night when I did the last bit of hand sewing on the binding. This afternoon I made the cushion pad for inside. I’d fitted a zip so making it easier to assemble. It’s now taken pride of place on the chair on the landing. 

I slept well after the busy day yesterday and woke to a beautiful morning, a big change after the recent misty dull ones. There was a host of jobs to do, the initial ones done sitting on the settee. Amber gave me her undivided attention for an hour or so, a chance for a selfie. We tried out the ale from Thoresby which I bought yesterday. It was excellent.  Some more pics in extras. 

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