Schools Out!

I don't know where the time's gone today - I went to Zumba this morning and then met up with friends for lunch at the Tapas Bar to celebrate Bev's birthday. The food was lovely, and we had a nice bottle of fizz, and whilst writing this I realised that I blipped her birthday this time last year.

Then after lunch I went into town to try and sort out an internet connection for my iPhone while we're on holiday - all in the name of Blip of course, so fingers crossed it works!

I also got a little side tracked and wandered into Esprit (my favourite clothes shop), where I treated myself to an outfit for our holiday :-) While I was in there, I heard a commotion outside with a lot of people cheering, so I put my shopping down and went to have look. I saw this double decker bus with students on it celebrating their last day of school.

They're from the Scandinavian School of Brussels which is based here in Waterloo and today was their Graduation. They saw me with my camera they started waving at me, so this had to be my blip today, and it looks better viewed large. The daughter of one of my colleague's was graduating today, so I'll have to let her have a copy. Anyway, blip done, I went back into the shop and bought my outfit.

Tonight we're out with friends, so I'd better go and get ready and I'll catch up with you later!

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