While on my runs

By waipushrink

Chose the flowers

The first photo I took on this afternoon's walk was of some netting and a skeleton or two draped at the front of a property I went past. Ready for Halloween. To my knowledge this was not something we in Aotearoa/New Zealand paid any mind until US Television began to dominate the world. I know there were traditions in other countries as well. But the commercialism arises from USA.

These flowers are bright, even to me with my partial red/green blindness. I interpret this as being bright, but the way those with normal full colour vision talk of it.....

I was disappointed but not surprised by the South African victory in the Rugby World Cup final. When I was a schoolboy almost every boy wanted to play rugby. Now only a minority do so. There are many reasons I am sure, but the boring style of rugby being played particularly in South Africa and England must be high up the list. Perhaps it is time that Rugby Union learns from Rugby league, and places a limit on the number of phases. 

S and I went to the plant shop and bought a variety of plants to start putting them into the gardens we now have around the retaining wall.

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