And the saga continues

I did indeed have my surgical fistula repair yesterday.  It was a very long day, but Doug hung in there with me driving me around.  The nursing staff were lovely and friendly and made jokes to cut the tension.  I talked with Rosalba, who was on ICU duty during Covid, had many patients die and was traumatized by it.  But she went to a therapist and worked through it and now is wiser and more serene.

I wanted to just have a day to rest before my next dialysis session tomorrow, but everyone was insistent that I do an extra session today because Tuesday's was cut short.  So I agreed and Doug took me because I was still so weak, and when the technician inserted the first needle he broke through the vein and that was that.  My arm swelled up and he took the needle out and put on an ice pack.  Then Doug came and got me and took me home. So I had to go through all that for a session I didn't want or really need. 

I didn't realize we were to have full moon until I glanced out the window and caught it high up in a sky of rose and blue.

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