
By Mrsmacdub


We had a list of electrical tasks we wanted done and today the A Team arrived to carry them out -  Laura, who’s been before, and Megan.  They worked well together and dealt with a few difficult pieces of wiring that had been done in the past.  It took them all day to work through the list and one or two items can’t be completed until our builder has done his part.

I spent the day on computer admin, making feta cheese and generally pottering around.  MrMacD pottered and supervised.

After 23degC yesterday today the high was 10degC with a bitter southerly blowing and the occasional shower, definitely not a day for being outside.

After the girls left just after 5pm we changed quickly then walked into town to the Victoria Lounge Bar, where we met the Newcomers’ Group for drinks, an event that takes place on the last Friday of the month.  We enjoyed a couple of drinks and had some interesting conversations and set off back up the hill at 8:30pm.  Supper was sourdough pancakes and baked beans.

I suddenly realised that I hadn’t managed to take a photo all day, so this is an extreme emergency blip - the wires dangling from our bedroom ceiling waiting for the builder to put some insulation between the beams then plaster board on top, which will make the room a lot warmer, especially after the double glazing is installed next week. The plaster board will be stopped and painted, then the new lights can be installed.

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