Not a Pointer...
…but Bean is definitely pointing. What the photo doesn’t show is her horizontal tail. I’ve no idea what she had seen, heard or smelled. And she didn’t chase after whatever it was.
Our walk was warm enough for her to make a beeline (a Beanline) for this spring and to do a bit of water-ploughing with her head and plenty of splashing. That’s only the second time this spring.
We had strong hot northerly winds through the middle of the day. I managed to garden at G’s for a couple of hours before it kicked in. Then I gave up pretty soon because her garden is completely exposed and everything was getting blown to pieces: not a day for planting out bedding plants or brassicas.
It’s 23C outside, which is delightful. However I have just laid the fire in the study because we are due to have a maximum of 9C with strong southerlies tomorrow! The ups and downs of spring continue. At least this change will only last 36 hours, although there may be frost on Saturday morning as a kick of its tail.
I am making the most of the fine and calmer afternoon to get some serious line trimming done. The battery is recharging, and I’m recharging myself with fluids…
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