Eric the grey

And another day of rain, but it's what makes Wales so green :-) Garden centre was put on hold to run some chores and see some friends. I started off dropping down a belated wedding present and card to ASG in one of Wales prettiest villages St. Fagins. Then went into Cardiff and met some friends. Then more friends called around tonight. I seemed to do plenty of taking about blip today with no actually time to log on to the site, I'll catch up with you all tomorrow.

Eric was raiding the bird feeder again today, I thought he wouldn't bother as there must be plenty of food round but there was no stopping him earlier. The bird feeders need toping up again tomorrow. I managed to get him from inside the house through a closed window.

Many thanks for the favs, stars and lovely comments (and gardening advice) on yesterdays Duck blip :-) as usual thanks :-)))

Friday tomorrow my friends and the weekend to look forward too, I hope you all have a quiet Friday :-)

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