Heading west
... to the Midlands. A lovely sunny drive! We're overnighting with my sister in readiness for our attending a funeral tomorrow. We did a recce on our way and glad we did as the crem is so badly signposted and hard to find. It will make tomorrow morning easier.
It's so lovely to see my sister twice in one month, albeit unplanned. My niece came over this evening, too, and later our great-niece joined us. (Great-nephew was at work, frightening people in a Halloween role at a local Screamfest!) Meanwhile, while we chatted I knitted faster and finished the young master's pumpkin hat. This is the fourth time I've done this pattern - the first two for the aforementioned great-niece-&-nephew. Or fifth time if I count one I knitted for little Miss B's baby doll a couple of years ago!
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