POG's Journal


Hello Everyone,

Hello Everyone,

The dentist went well today (I think). I was in the chair about 50 minutes whilst he did all the prep work for the new crown… I have to return in two weeks time to have it fitted.

Went to the workshop afterwards and did a bit of work in the Giant Halfway. It is pretty much done now, one more nice to have so to speak but I’ll fit that in sometime in the new year. I had a ride of it around the workshop car park and all was fine. Hopefully the pedals for my winter bike will arrive tomorrow, also the spares for the micro bike have arrived so I can finish that. Everything bike wise should be done by Friday and then I can focus on some other stuff.

The photos are some old ones from my brother’s home. Everyone’s name begins with “M” and three names sound the same, but one is spelt differently. 

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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