Dead head

The daffodils need dead-heading along the route of my morning walk. There’s still plenty of yellow but it’s much more noticeable now. I wonder how it’s done? I assume somebody comes along and mows the grass at some point and that achieves the desired result.  I took the same route I have been using since I started the morning walk again. Today I did contemplate mixing it up but decided against it. I am looking forward to much drier weather that will allow we to walk the fields and the woods again. I had to stop off for a couple of birthday cards which need to be in the post. I need to do better picking up birthday cards in advance because the supermarket selection is very poor and I didn’t have any opportunity to go elsewhere. 

In the evening I went to the gym. I need to get back on my health kick. The guiding factor is that my clothes are starting to feel tight and I have no desire to buy more. I am hoping that is sufficient motivation to keep an on what I am eating and get out in the mornings and to the gym some evenings. 

We continued watching Blue Lights and find ourselves another couple of episodes down. I’d never heard of it until we started watching yesterday but, today, I noticed the BBC had a couple of promotional trails for it between another programme and they are all pushing people to the iPlayer.  It’s gripping. 

With our nightly tea we had a hot cross bun and some of that Hot Cross Bun mayonnaise that PY won. It’s sounds a bit odd but it was quite tasty: it added a little sweetness to the bun.  It definitely adds an interesting dimension. 

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