
By Nettenet

Day 3 in the Big C House

…. That big brother voice is still here!

We awoke to still no electricity.  Conflicting information throughout the day.  The electricity could not go back on until gas repairs completed.  Lucy had gone down and spoke to the gas people who said it could take days.  Electric company didn’t have this info and suggested we ring gas company.  As we still had gas they were not too helpful.  By the time Mr C got home from rugby he had more of a moan to them…. We had been quite understanding up to now and all we asked was for a time frame.  Anyway, nothing to do with his moaning lol, we were updated that we should be switched on by 10pm and around 9:15 we sprung back to life. Hurrah!  It’s amazing how much you rely on things to get by with every day living.  Anyway all back to normal so far.

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