RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Glass & Wire

My wife has been hard at work on her art hangings lately (there is a fan directly above her work area, a perfect spot during the hot afternoons). She is getting very creative, combining different elements with techniques she continues to refine. Sea glass has always been a challenge as it is too hard to drill which make it difficult to attach. She has been glueing it and wrapping it for awhile, but with her latest animal creation she has combined the two, sandwiching silver wire between two, glued-together pieces of similar sized glass. A couple of quick turns with her pliers and she has completed one pendant. This photo shows the first few of almost two dozen pendants which are arranged along the butterfly's "tail". Perhaps in a future blip I will actually show the whole creation, but for today I liked tighter composition of glass and wire.

Update: Looking back a year, I find that I shot a different subject on the very same wall. This shot is in an almost identical position to the one taken exactly a year ago.

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