What is it?!

So nice to wake up to sun this morning.

Our grandchildren who stayed the night were very good. They play very well by themselves. After breakfast their father picked them up to go to their swimming lesson.

I headed to the allotment and did a bit of clearing up. The Cosmos have finished flowering now plus the sunflowers. 
We had coffee and a lovely cake from the cafe there ( run by. Volunteers on Sunday mornings)  and sat in the sun for a while.

The photo is of the Jerusalem Artichokes which I dug up today from just two plants ! These have grown better than some in another part of the plot…I think because they were next to beans that we watered.

A bit more clearing up in the garden at home and potting up some Japanese anemones a friend had given me.

Now to catch up on Strictly as last night was watching the Rugby match!

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