Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55


The Feast Day of St. Ursula.
It was a sunny, dry, really cold October day and I had a couple of decent strolls in my neighbourhood of Rishton.
I am sad to discover Amateur Gardening magazine is no longer going to be published due to the cost of printing and publishing. I had been buying it for a few months and relishing the wise gardening tips and useful free packets of seeds. I passed it on to a good friend who then gave it to another mutual Rishton friend. I will buy Gardening News instead but there are no free seeds.
Today is Apple Day. It is a yearly event begun by Common Ground. There are apple celebrations all around the United Kingdom. People taste various apples and identity them, and bake apple pies, crumbles, tarts and some organise apple bobbing and apple fayres. I think it is a lovely idea. Well worth Googling it.
I love Galas and Discovery apples and they are pink inside. Do you have a favourite variety of apple?
Cheers. I am just enjoying some clear sweet apple juice with my muesli.

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