2023 Friday — Always Making Fun
Even when he’s having a bad, bad, bad day — Mr. Fun is funny! The nurse finally brought him ear plugs and a face mask. When I looked-up from what I was doing, this photo is what I saw. He had finally fallen sound asleep, so I couldn’t laugh out loud.
Friday update:
Mr. Fun is having a tough day. He has been a great patient up until today. He's not in a private room. The continual noise is overwhelming. He's not getting good sleep. The room temperature is set at 69° because the other patient is in lots of pain and hot. The bathroom is on the roommate's side of the room. Because of Mr. Fun's medicine (Lasix) he uses the bathroom a lot.
The doctor did not release Mr. Fun to go home today because the doctor is changing the medicine from IV to oral and wants to oversee that progress.
He needs to relax and when he sleeps, he needs to sleep well.
Some friends are asking “Where are you two?” Answer: In a zoo called “Hospital.” Some folks just for fun refer to it as a “horse pistol.”
Inside the zoo some are in solo cages and some in cages of two. Everyone watches their door and wonders what will happen next. Beds are rolled past the door with clickety clackety wheels and poles on little wheels with bottles swinging from a hook and plastic tubes dangling; carts of trays are wheeled by and one tray at a time is delivered to someone, hot blankets are kept in a metal cabinet till a cold patient asks for one.
Everyone wears strange clothing. And no one speaks in their library voice. More than occasionally a lullaby plays on the loudspeaker; another baby has been allowed to be born. Buzzer and clicker and bell sounds are constant. And my Mr. Fun keeps managing to speak funnies. But he is exhausted, and “cranky” almost crawled in bed with him today.
Then one-by-one somewhere out there friends started praying and rather than feeling hostile Mr. Fun & I began to be hopeful and thanked God for all the maladies Mr. Fun does not have.
And he may get to come home tomorrow because he has eliminated 16 pounds of fluid and I could not begin to tell you how many liters that is.
So now you know where we are and that we are doing okay. But most of all you might like to know that God knows right where we are; He has surrounded us with His supernatural protection. The Holy Spirit sings to us with words we understand; He has changed our names and guaranteed our eternity. Our Forever is in His plans. And Jesus leads us in singing our favorite song: “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.”
And if you’ll pray for us, God will hear you, He will. He loves to hear your voice.
From SoCal,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!
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