talloplanic views

By Arell

Little myth Arell

It's hard to think that it's already been a week since the mad dash south to the Brindley to see Gryphon performing.  To be honest most of the past week has ambled by in a haze of minor headache and the tiredness caught me out this morning when I slept in.  And by 'in', I mean really quite in.

Since the weather today has been more or less a bit horrible, leaving after work perhaps half an hour when it wasn't raining for slopping on a first coat of the wood preserver on the workbenchtop, which took rather longer than half an hour, the only photo I took was in perpetuation of all things gryphonesque: an old pen and ink drawing I have of the creature itself.  It has the head, wings and legs (and talons!) of an eagle, but the back and legs and tail of a lion.  I read somewhere many years ago that the eagle was my spirit animal, and I have a thing about lions anyway, so I'm quite happy.

And if you are an afficionado of all things Alice in Wonderland, which I am not but the band of whom I speak most certainly is, you find that Lewis Carroll called it The Gryphon, and not a griffin, which is curious(er and curiouser) because supposedly it comes from the Greek word γρυπός which means 'hooked' and translates as grypos, not gryfos, but at any rate would be apposite for the creature's beak if nothing else.

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