By lizzie_birkett

Nothing else for it!

By the fire with bottle of cider and some crisps.
The swelling has gone down slightly and Frank drove us to choir - normally a two minute walk! I sat on a chair with my leg up on another chair. I didn’t want to miss it as I missed last Friday and next Friday is my Orthopaedic appointment. I’m glad I went as we had a lot of fun. We were all a bit dubious when Sue said we would be doing The Pirates of Penzance - an operetta which is rather silly but very funny. I feel better about the whole thing now as we went through the different parts. Frank is The Pirate King!

Last night I felt OK apart from my leg but Frank said my cheeks were bright red and got the thermometer - my temp was 38, I hadn’t felt shivery or hot.

Today I had to pull some rows back on my knitting. I had increased a row further back on the 6th row instead of every 4th row. I probably could have left it but I am such a perfectionist! Nevermind, I can’t do much else just now. 
I started my ‘Spookybookie’ book today for Love Blippin’ Books LBB10.
The Cottage by Lisa Stone. I don’t normally read such books but I’m looking forward to how it develops.

I find it difficult to get my head round the Israeli/Palestine war but the Palestinians are suffering from attacks from Israel who say they are aiming at Hamas. However the Palestinian civilians are being bombed, killed and losing their children and family members
I am watching BBC news (I normally don’t watch it there is no sound on any other channels! must be the weather) and a spokesman - Dr Mustafa Barghouti - of the Palestinian National Initiative was talking about the attacks on the civilians there but each time he mentioned an Israeli attack he was quickly interrupted by the presenter. I know Hamas is attacking Israel and killing their civilians - including children too - but it’s Hamas that needs to be dealt with not the civilians. 
I may be naive but I just want the killing, hostage taking, torture and rape to stop. I’ve signed every petition going for a ceasefire.

Going to watch something light heart on telly now.

Goodnight ;-)X

Thanks for all your concerns about my knee. I’ll be fine ;-)

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