Down in the Glen

Down in the Glen - often sung by the late great Robert Wilson who died too young in 1964 aged 57, also sung by the equally great Kenneth MacKellar who used to live along the road from my parents, Andy Stewart & Calum Kennedy who all lived within a mile of eachother.

Twilight is softly falling as the sun sinks in the West,
The one I love is calling, "Shepherd, come home to rest."

At hush of even-tide,
O'er the hills beyond the Clyde,
I go roaming to my heaven,
Down in the Glen

Though humble it may be,
There an angel waits for me,
In that lonely little heaven,
Down in the glen.


Across the moonlit heather,
My lassie calls as I roam,
'Tis soon we'll be together
In that heaven we call "home".


The sheep are in the fold,
And there's peace worth more than gold,
For that shepherd in that heaven,
Down in the glen.

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