savor the moments...

By 03march13

On my way home

After a week that felt like an eternity I am headed home for the weekend by trains... :)

It's crazy the relief you feel the minute you are out the base... And especially the second you get home.

It's routine by now... I walk in to my dog barking an my cat coming up to me so that I will give her attention and hold her for a few seconds until she loses her patience and wants to be put down.. Then I set my things down. Say hello to my mom... Give her a hug, kiss... Take off my army boots..Switch to comfortable clothes. Sit for a bit and enjoy not doing anything... Then get up go to the fridge and eat... And eat some more :) Get a nice tight hug from my little brother when he gets home from soccer and from my dad when he gets home from work... And then I can do whatever I want for 48 hours...

Then I go back.....

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