Vincente Pèrez Rosales National Park

Still staying in Puerto Varas, today we did a major foray into the Vincente Pèrez Rosales National Park. First we took a tiny boat to a jumping off point for a beautiful bush walk through a variety of habitats including rainforest. Then back by boat to a family operated restaurant which served freshly caught trout out of the lake. It was extremely delicious, the best I've ever had. Then back in the mini bus to the Osorno Volcano, the subject of yesterday's and today's blip. The difference today was that we drove to its bas and did a walk which took about two hours, on the loose stony volcanic soil, through the remnant snow, doing a steady climb up and then down again. I fell over twice! It was truly magnificent getting so close up to the volcano, on yet another day of perfect weather. I'll be feeling my legs tomorrow.

My main is taken from about half way of the walk. My extra is of a perfectly straight row of cloud with repeating forms. Thanks for hosting Ingeborg. 

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